Display Settings don't stay set across re-boot

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I'll attempt to ask these question one more time (third attempt) and hopefully someone from MS might be able to help me

PLEASE someone with any idea give me something to fix this problem

When I change my resolution from 640 to 1024, it works for current and all similtaneous users. But if I reboot (restart or turn off) the resolution always returns back to 640.

1. How can I make this stay permanent (I know that is is suppose to, but it does not)
2. Is there something in Regedit I could look for
3. Is there a Bios parameter (such as search for flash binaries) that will affect how this does or does not work

Some History

I had this problem while using NVDIA graphics (GE Force 2). I was attempting to migrate to ATI Radeon. I had to remove the NVDIA card and device drivers and plug into the onboard INTEL 82815 because I had to load that chipset upgrade before installing the new hardware/software. I had hoped that during my efforts to install old graphics and/or new graphics that this problem would go away. But it did not. I also installed Intel's BIOS upgade

The current state of my graphics device is the onboard INTEL, the ATI card does not come into play. But the resolution does not stay set across boots

Hi, Walt.
I'll attempt to ask these question one more time (third attempt) and
hopefully someone from MS might be able to help me.

Perhaps you misunderstand Discussion Groups (which really are what we've
always called "newsgroups"). This is NOT Microsoft Tech Support. This is a
peer-to-peer group; in other words, just other users like you, helping each
other. Some of us have been on the learning curve longer and we remember
the help we got from other users, so we like to pitch in and offer
assistance when we can. Some of us have done this so much that Microsoft
has awarded us the MVP (Most Valuable Professional) designation, but that
title does not (a) make us more expert than we were before, or (b) obligate
us to agree with MS on everything or prevent us from disagreeing with MS
publicly, or (c) authorize us to speak for Microsoft.

If you want support FROM Microsoft, then follow instructions packaged with
every copy of Microsoft products. Or, from IE6, click Help | Online
Support | Contact Microsoft.. (This varies among applications, but it's not
hard to find.) There is free support and there is paid support, depending
on just what kind of help you need.

As to your basic problem with the display, I can't help. My experience is
only with ATI products; I've never had any nVidia product. And I'm just one
guy with one computer, so I have no experience with multiple users. So,
even if you posted your question dozens of times, and even though I would
love to be able to help, I probably would not reply, except to point out the
way to receive support from Microsoft.
