I have 2 fields that are populated based on user entry:
1- Age
2- Trip length
Based on the answer to these questions, I would like for
excel to display a subset of rows.
For ex: If I were 70 yrs old taking a trip for 15 days,
then I need to see Option 1 only. Where Option 1 is a
list of questions to answer. But if I was taking a trip
for 30 days, then display Option 2's series of questions.
Presently, Option 1 and 2 are on the same workbook. And
depending on the answers to Option 2, you would
potentially have to answer Option 3 questions.
I have 2 fields that are populated based on user entry:
1- Age
2- Trip length
Based on the answer to these questions, I would like for
excel to display a subset of rows.
For ex: If I were 70 yrs old taking a trip for 15 days,
then I need to see Option 1 only. Where Option 1 is a
list of questions to answer. But if I was taking a trip
for 30 days, then display Option 2's series of questions.
Presently, Option 1 and 2 are on the same workbook. And
depending on the answers to Option 2, you would
potentially have to answer Option 3 questions.