Display properties won't open



Ok, new install of Windows XP.

System is a P4 1.6, with a TNT2 Nvidia 64 Pro card.

When you click on display properties in the control panel,
or right click on the desktop and go to properties...

You get the hourglass for half a second or so...and

I have booted into safe mode, and it happens there too.

Also have removed drivers, reinstalled drivers...even gone
back to an older Nvidia driver...


This is starting to truly annoy me.

Jack Watts

This is a problem with Nvidia driver !!!
But Windows should be able to fix this.

Apparently Nvidia can screws up something in Windows sooo badly that
even after you uninstall the driver - the problem still exist. It
happens because Nvidia has an option to use its own set of applets in
standard display windows property. I could say - fine, if it will only
give you some extra options, but why the heck they have to replace
Windows components??? Instead of adding new ones or even made a
stand-alone application. After all, those options so extensive that
they gone way beyond display settings. It's more about customizing
every single window in the system.

They are so arrogant that they think you will never use anything else
ever again. It gets even worst. If you will replace video card and
install new drivers from the new video card - the problem will still
be there.

I know all this because I have Nvidia card. It worked fine until I
decided to add another video card (the second one for TV output).
I wanted to test the second card alone, so I just replaced Nvidia with
the other one, and I couldn't change the driver. So I uninstalled
Nvidia driver (since the card was no longer there).

That's when my problem occurred. Apparently Nvidia uninstaller removes
something, either windows file or windows registry settings (not only
the Nvidia registry settings). So immediately after that I've got
exact same problem as you described.

I know a bit programming, so I looked in the System folder and found
that DESK.CPL file was not there. This is Control Panel appLet -
program that opens Display Properties. I extracted that file from the
original Windows CD and placed it there, silly thinking that this
would solve the problem. ...Ha !!!!!

Now when I open display properties, I get very limited (and simple
looking) single dialog-box which prompts me to select Windows XP
theme. That's all I get.

Of course I tried to plug back-in the Nvidia card and reinstall the
driver - still the same problem.

Sorry I couldn't help you, but I described in such details hoping that
someone from Microsoft will help us.


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