display problems after upgrading


Blanca Carbajal


I just reformatted my computer and upgraded to Win 2000. I
have a problem with my display settings, however. I
searched the microsoft website and found a solution to my
problem but I'm not very computer literate so I need some

This is what the microsoft site listed as my solution.

Select the option to Assign IRQ to VGA in your
motherboard's BIOS. If this setting is not available, you
need to contact the manufacturer of the motherboard to
determine how to select an interrupt to the video card.

I have no idea how to do the above. Please e-mail me at
(e-mail address removed) or contact me on AIM: KornPrSc



If you upgraded to win2k its likely that you need win2k drivers for yr
hardware. ie video card, mobo etc.
You need to visit hardware manu.web site to download then install drivers
specific to yr sys.
Do NOT use winupdate to update drivers.


I go to manu.web? It doesn't work O.o

DL said:
If you upgraded to win2k its likely that you need win2k drivers for yr
hardware. ie video card, mobo etc.
You need to visit hardware manu.web site to download then install drivers
specific to yr sys.
Do NOT use winupdate to update drivers.


You need to identify make and model of your video card, eg ATI, Nvidea, MSI
etc and go to their web site for the win2k drivers for the specific model of
video card.
If you dont have documentation with your system that gives this info Aida32
will help
If you are using a laptop, you need to go to laptop makers web site, to
download win2k drivers for the specific laptop model.
There is absolutly no point in trying anything else, untill you have
installed the correct win2k drivers for your hardware,


Thanks a lot. I am using a lab top so I'll go to their website. If I have any more questions I'll be sure to ask u! ;D thanks!


Great! Thanks! I found the drive or something at the Toshiba website. Thanks a bunch!

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