Melvin Edward
Pages don’t display correctly. For example msn.com home page, you have
the top five news items with a box at the bottom of the news. You have
a choice right to left |Previous | Pause| Next. All I see is a
square box, no left arrow, no right arrow or pause icon. Now if I move
the mouse pointer on the box the mouse pointer hand will show and then
the text is displayed depending on what box you move on.
I have reset IE8, it’s free of malware and virus, I also updated
Java, Adobe shockwave. Reinstalled SP3 and reinstalled IE8 again. I
was getting desperate and tried Mozilla browser as well and it also
has the same problem as well. The last thing I did was repair windows
and reloaded ie8 and service packs and I still have the same problem.
Other web pages have the same problem, but this was easier to
Melvin Edward
the top five news items with a box at the bottom of the news. You have
a choice right to left |Previous | Pause| Next. All I see is a
square box, no left arrow, no right arrow or pause icon. Now if I move
the mouse pointer on the box the mouse pointer hand will show and then
the text is displayed depending on what box you move on.
I have reset IE8, it’s free of malware and virus, I also updated
Java, Adobe shockwave. Reinstalled SP3 and reinstalled IE8 again. I
was getting desperate and tried Mozilla browser as well and it also
has the same problem as well. The last thing I did was repair windows
and reloaded ie8 and service packs and I still have the same problem.
Other web pages have the same problem, but this was easier to
Melvin Edward