Howdy! How's it going? From what you tell me, this should be a simple fix!
First, log on to your msn, once logged on, go to the "options..." menu. This
is located under "Tools". And incase you don't know where that is, it's on
the top of the msn messenger window, where "File, Contacts, Actions, Tools,
Help" is located. So to sum that little part up, go to tools, then choose
A new window will appear. On the left side of this window you will see a
list of options to choose from, by default you go to Personal. You want to
click on "General". Now you will notice that the info on the right has
changed. Within the General option, you have subcategories: Sign In,
Displaying My contacts, Quality Improvement.
From what you tell me, you're going to want both check mark boxes checked
off in the "Displaying My Contacts" category. Therefore, a check mark in
"Show display pictures from others" and a check mark in "show display
pictures of contacts in main window". You can decide if you want to see the
thumbnails small or large, experiment, have fun!
That should fix it, no prob! Let me know if you have any trouble!