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Yesterday I upgraded from O2k to O2k3. One thing I now have I don't
particularly care for. In the pane that displays what emails I have in a
particular mailbox, I have:

Date: Today
Date: Yesterday
Date: Last Week
Date: Two Weeks ago

Is there any way I can go back to the view I had with O2k, without going back to
O2k? The view withOUT these groupings? If so, how?

Thanks in advance,

Tcs said:
Yesterday I upgraded from O2k to O2k3. One thing I now have I don't
particularly care for. In the pane that displays what emails I have
in a particular mailbox, I have:

Date: Today
Date: Yesterday
Date: Last Week
Date: Two Weeks ago

Is there any way I can go back to the view I had with O2k, without
going back to O2k? The view withOUT these groupings? If so, how?

Click View>Arrange By and uncheck "Show in Groups"

The good news is...this works. The bad news is...it only works one folder at a

I *thought* that I had turned this grouping off, and I was correct. Turns out
it was on a folder or two I worked with yesterday. But the grouping was back on
this morning...or so I thought. I was just looking at folders I hadn't changed
yesterday. The solution from Diane Poremsky looks like it *should* take care of
this problem too, however...