If I'm not in the right group I apologise in advance.
Broadband speeds. I know it's easy to learn what the current speed at a
particular moment is by using one of the many people on the web providong
that service. What I cannot find and would find useful if I had it would be a
display - rather like the clock at the bottom RH corner, for instance. A
display that would show constantly what the speed is, or failing that, by
reacting to the cursor being on it.
Is there such a thing and could any kind person point me towards it?
Thank you.
Broadband speeds. I know it's easy to learn what the current speed at a
particular moment is by using one of the many people on the web providong
that service. What I cannot find and would find useful if I had it would be a
display - rather like the clock at the bottom RH corner, for instance. A
display that would show constantly what the speed is, or failing that, by
reacting to the cursor being on it.
Is there such a thing and could any kind person point me towards it?
Thank you.