Hello im trying to get and display how many records there are in my table that fall between todays date and 10 days from todays date on a form text box but I get some error of course
heres what I have
and that always gives me error 2766 The object doesnt contain the Automation object 'EndDate.'
if i get rid of the enddate part it works fine but of course gives everyyyyything greater then todays date and i just want records that match today through 10 days from now
Edit: Oh Id also like to know how to do somthing if no records were found matching the 10 days like if null blah else show total number of records found matching those days
heres what I have
StartDate = today
EndDate = DateAdd("d", 10, Date)
intStore = DCount("[ID]", "[contacts]", "[call Back Date] >=Date() AND [Call Back date] <= EndDate")
and that always gives me error 2766 The object doesnt contain the Automation object 'EndDate.'
if i get rid of the enddate part it works fine but of course gives everyyyyything greater then todays date and i just want records that match today through 10 days from now
Edit: Oh Id also like to know how to do somthing if no records were found matching the 10 days like if null blah else show total number of records found matching those days
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