Display Newest Versions of Stored Pages



Is there anyway for me to force a page to be displayed from the server
rather than the users cache files? I made changes to my "News File" but when
I looked at it on my laptop I still saw the old version.

Obviously, when I reloaded the page it worked..

The browser is set to "Automatically" check for newer versions of stored
pages (under Tools - >Internet Options - >General - > Temporary Internet
Files (Settings) which I "thought" would look to the server and compare the
files in cache to the stored version and load the "newest" one.. If it makes
any difference the page in question is defined as an inline frame

Steve Easton

Try placing a content expires meta tag in the head section of the page with a date in the past:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:12:01 GMT">,

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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