display monitor



All the windows seem zoomed in--text and icons are
enlarged, and only a portion of what I used to have on my
screen appears. This happened after I installed a game
program. I've since uninstalled the program but the
windows setting is still enlarged. help.


Right click on Desktop>properties>settings>Move screen
resolution up >apply.
Screen res default is low.


Do you remember What your old screen resolution used to
be? 1024x768? 800x600?

Well Sometimes games can only be played on certain
resolutions, so they will automatically change it so you
can play your game. I believe if you want to changes it
back to what it used to be. Right click on the desktop,
and hit properties to open Display Properties, click
the "Settings" tab and on the bottom left corner there
should be a slider button Under "Screen Resolution" you
can change it back to how it was before.

If I'm wrong or if anyone else needs to correct me, do so.

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