Assume you are checking for 100 sequential invoice numbers from 108000 to
108099. Assume source data (your invoice numbers) is running in D1 down and
are all real numbers
In E1:

This is the criteria col. It embedds the 1st invoice number involved the
series (108000). Modify the 1st invoice number to suit what you have.
In F1: =IF(ROWS($1:1)>COUNT(E:E),"",SMALL(E:E,ROWS($1:1)))
This is the results col. It'll "float up" all the results neatly at the top
Copy E1:F1 down to F100 (ie copy down by the number of invoice numbers
involved). The missing invoice numbers will appear in col F, neatly packed at
the top. Success? hit the YES below
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