Display is upside down

  • Thread starter Thread starter Linda
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Hi, hope this is the right forum for this question.

When trying to log on to one of our PC's this morning,
the 'control,alt,delete' window was upside down also the
login screen. After logging in (upside down) the desktop
is upside down too and the mouse is working backwards. Not
sure what the night shift did, but does anyone know a
quick way of fixing this?

Thanks so much
If you have a jokester on the night shift, I would think
that someone opened the monitor and turned the yoke around.

The yoke is the big coil that sits over the neck of the

You do not say what type of monitors you are using.
I would doubt that they went that far - bit destructive. There used to
be a little Win95/98 utility that would do this (for joke purposes, it
wasn't destructive). Perhaps it's been updated for Win2K.

You might want to run a search to see what files were added/changed in
the last 24 hours which may give a clue.

Also, check the startup folder (all users) to see if anything has been
put there.

Also, think of a way to pay back the night-shift (:-)
Thanks for responding Bob and you're right we do have a
bunch of chuckleheads on nights. And it did have something
to do with the monitors.

We're using Samsung Syncmaster 213t flat screens. They
have an option, when you right click on the
desktop, "Graphics Option". Then there is a "Hot Keys"
option. It's in here that you get the option of rotating
the display 180 degrees.

Well we bungled through it, someone is going to have a lot
of documentation to update tonight, because obviously they
are not very busy LOL