Boot in safe mode and logon as administartor, go to add or remove program to remove the existing vedio card drivers then reboot
After reboot, your display should be in VGA mode.
Go to the Grandmars website
http://www.grandmars.com/driver_atir8500.htm to download and save the XP compatible drivers for your vedio card. Or, you can go to ATI.com to download the latest XP compatible catalyst drivers for your card
Reboot and to safe mode and logon as administrator, temporarily disable any antiVirus software and then install the vedio card drivers (either from Grandmars or from ATI). Do not disturb until you are prompted to
After reboot, the drivers should be properly installed
Post back if you still have problems
Note: make sure you have installed SP1 before install the vedio drivers
----- Eric Clapton wrote: ----
After I installed "Grandmas 9200 SE" display card, blue screen and re-star
always happens. I am running window xp. Please help. Thanks