Display and Empower multiple subforms

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prosfora via AccessMonster.com

Combo boxes cboTN and cboSB are on my main form. cboTN is a search combo box
that updates combo box cboSB with one of 3 values (ID, IDC, or MC).

I would like to do the following:

If the after-update value of cboSB is ID, subform sf1 will be visible.
If the after-update value of cboSB is IDC, subform sf2 will be visible.
If the after-update value of cboSB is MC, subform sf3 will be visible.
(only one subform visible at a time since they are stacked in one place on my
main form)

Once the appropriate subform is displayed, is it possible to use option
buttons to set the property of the subform to either Add-only mode or Edit-
only mode? If so, how? (perhaps some sort of Case A, Case B scenario with the
option buttons?)

If you can help with either of the above; example codes would help my novice
skills greatly!

You can change the form displayed in a subform control through code, by
changing the SourceObject property of the (subform) control:

Me.SubFormControlName.SourceObject= "NameOfTheFormToUse"

so you have only one sub-form control, into which you display different
forms, as required.

To change the properties of the form used in the subform control Child0, use
something like:

Me.Child0.Form.AllowEdits = False

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP