Display an underscore before the data in a column



I have a datagrid which pulls from a stored procedure. For the purpose
of this display issue, we need to prepend a bound column with a
underscore "_" We don't want to change the stored procedure. can I do
this in the property builder for the datagrid?


this should take care of the underscore
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="fieldname"


You need to handle the Item_Databound Event for the datagrid. You will
be passed an EventArgs parameter that has an Item property that you can
cast to a DatagridItem object. From the DatagridItem you can reach
into its Cells property and pre-pend the "_" before the item in the
cell. You can get into the cells by doing something like this:

DataGridItem item = e.Item

item.Cells[2] <--------- represents a cell in the 3rd Column

This should give you a start.

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