display a memo on a report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Warrio
  • Start date Start date



Why Access truncates the field that I have on a report to 255 characters?
even if I've set the property CanGrow = True

The field is attached to the report's recordsource which itself made of a
query. and the query displays the full text (more than 255char)

Thank you for any suggestion
Go to table design view and set the field's data type to Memo. Gan Grow is a
property of the control (text box, etc.) rather than the data.
Thanks for you answer but,
It is a memo already since I said that the tablefield containes already text
of more than 255 characters length!
Sorry, I missed that in your original question. You say the report is based
on a query, which is in turn based on a table that shows more than 255
characters in the memo field? In table design view the field in question is
of data type Memo and not limited in any way? And the query shows the same
text as the table, but the text box in the report truncates the data, even
though it is bound to the memo field (i.e. its Record Source is the field in
question)? If you make the text box really large, is there leftover blank
space at the bottom? Try displaying the field list and dragging the field
you need onto the report (or use the toolbox to create a text box, then bind
the text box to that field). What happens then?
Thanks for your help!
I did all that and even tried to put on the TextBox's controlSource : =
Mid(myField,253) to see if there is the rest that can come, but the result
was that the control displayed only 2 letters (from 253 to 255)
I think it comes from my report recordsource that is tooooo complicated..
I'll do it in another and better way
Thanks again