Diskeeper 2008 Home

May 27, 2007
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I am having a few porblemas setting a boot defrag in Diskeeper when it try to defrag at boot up it says drive is in use by other process and cant be run. Please see error attached.

Any Ideas are most welcome,

Sorry if the pic is not very clear.




  • error 2.webp
    error 2.webp
    119 KB · Views: 209
Hmmm, not sure ... you ain't dual-booting are you?

Here is what I found at Diskeeper's site ...

Diskeeper 2008 - Boot-Time defrag ends with an unhandled exception

This happens due to an error in the file system structure that causes the boot-time defrag engines to terminate immediately. Because Diskeeper now has the ability to defragment the MFT and directories as part of the normal on-line defrag operation, it is no longer necessary to perform Boot-Time defrags as frequently as before.
That reads to me as ... "yeah, sorry, we have a problem, but don't worry, we may fix it." ;)

Can't find any more "useful" info ... :rolleyes:

Email them. :thumb:

Thanks Mucks,

I can get it to do a boot defrag in safe mode but if I try to boot windows nomaly it wont work. Would this be a problem?

In days of old, it was always recommended that one defrags in safe mode. ;)

You really don't need to with diskeeper.
Because Diskeeper now has the ability to defragment the MFT and directories as part of the normal on-line defrag operation.