Disk Warning for degrading reliability....

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I started up my computer today and a Windows warning popped up.... Disk
Warning - Disk reliability degrading, risk of data loss !!! Disk location:
controller 0, channel 0, Master Please backup data as soon as possible.

What should I do? Should I remove the drive and send it in for service.
The rive is less than six months old and I know it is under warranty. And
suggestions would be great.
Matthew said:
I started up my computer today and a Windows warning popped up....
Warning - Disk reliability degrading, risk of data loss !!! Disk
controller 0, channel 0, Master Please backup data as soon as

What should I do? Should I remove the drive and send it in for
The rive is less than six months old and I know it is under warranty.
And suggestions would be great.

Download a hard drive diagnostic utility from the drive mftr.'s website.
Usually you will create a bootable floppy or cd with the file you
download. Obviously you need to get this from a working pc.

Boot with whatever media you created and do a thorough test. If there
are any hardware failures, replace the drive. The age of the drive is
irrelevant; in fact, if hardware is going to fail it will usually do so
fairly soon or go for years.

Your drive is going bad or has gone bad. The first thing you do is try to
backup all of your important data to CD's or where ever.

Then run the drive manufacturers test utility on the drive in question. Be
prepared to replace the drive - NOW!


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
I started up my computer today and a Windows warning popped up.... Disk
Warning - Disk reliability degrading, risk of data loss !!! Disk location:
controller 0, channel 0, Master Please backup data as soon as possible.

What should I do? Should I remove the drive and send it in for service.
The rive is less than six months old and I know it is under warranty. And
suggestions would be great.

Is your data backed up? If not, do that first.

Second, go to the drive maker's website and get their diagnostic software.
Use that to see what it says about the drive. You might want to check the
S.M.A.R.T. status of the drive another way just to be sure - you can use
Everest (under the storage options) for that - www.lavalys.com.

Third, if the diagnostic reports the drive is failing, contact either your
computer maker or the drive maker and see what the procedures are for
returning the drive for warranty replacement. If the drive is still
mostly functional, you might want to use the wiping or zeroing function of
the diagnostic software but only after making your backups.
Is this TRULY an XP message?

Richard Urban said:
Your drive is going bad or has gone bad. The first thing you do is try to
backup all of your important data to CD's or where ever.

Then run the drive manufacturers test utility on the drive in question. Be
prepared to replace the drive - NOW!


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"