"Disk Space" Error



While trying to add a new contact to an existing Group I received the
following error message:
Unable to complete this operation due to insufficient disk space. Pleas
free some disk space and click OK to try again.
Any help in solving/understanding this error message would be greatly
appreciated, thank you.

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

WOLLAM said:
While trying to add a new contact to an existing Group I received the
following error message:
Unable to complete this operation due to insufficient disk space. Pleas
free some disk space and click OK to try again.
Any help in solving/understanding this error message would be greatly
appreciated, thank you.

And the Internet Explorer question is?

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional since 2003
Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Desktop Experience & Security
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/


WOLLAM said:
While trying to add a new contact to an existing Group I received the
following error message:
Unable to complete this operation due to insufficient disk space. Pleas
free some disk space and click OK to try again.
Any help in solving/understanding this error message would be greatly
appreciated, thank you.

I suspect that between the operating system, applications, temporary
internet files, swap file and data storage the hard disk is nearly full.
You activity resulted in a demand for storage on the hard drive that
exceeded the remaining free space. You might receive some temporary
relief by clearing the browser's temporary internet files (coupled with
reducing the amount used in the browser settings) and deleting some of
the larger emails stored by your email client (some people are sending
some HUGE attachments lately) including copies of sent mail.


Sorry Vincenzo, the questions is how do I remedy this error message so that I
can add new contact(s) to the Group? Thank you.


RobertVA, the first thing I checked was the amount of disk space available on
the hard drive, and I have just under 50% available, appx 38-39 GB. I have
deleted some of the files you mention in the past, occasionally; but since I
have never encountered this particular error message I thought I would ask
the experts first. I will try the suggested deletion(s) today. Thank you.

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

WOLLAM said:
Sorry Vincenzo, the questions is how do I remedy this error message so
that I can add new contact(s) to the Group? Thank you.

Can you define what is "Group", please?
Be more precise and state your Windows version.
Thank you.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional since 2003
Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Desktop Experience & Security
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Windows version? IE version?

Are you referring to Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Windows
Mail, or another Mail Client?


Once again I feel like a pinhead, and apologize for the poor post. I just
now realized I did not originally post in Outlook Express forum.
Windows XP Home v. 5.1 SP2
Outlook Express 6.0
Within the Address Book I have several 'Groups' of Contacts. I am trying to
add a contact to one of the Groups. I hope this helps, and thank you again.

Dan Wollam


Once again I feel like a pinhead, and apologize for the poor post. I just
now realized I did not originally post in Outlook Express forum.
Windows XP Home v. 5.1 SP2
Outlook Express 6.0
Within the Address Book I have several 'Groups' of Contacts. I am trying to
add a contact to one of the Groups. I hope this helps, and thank you again.

Dan Wollam

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

WOLLAM said:
Once again I feel like a pinhead, and apologize for the poor post. I just
now realized I did not originally post in Outlook Express forum.
Windows XP Home v. 5.1 SP2
Outlook Express 6.0
Within the Address Book I have several 'Groups' of Contacts. I am trying
to add a contact to one of the Groups. I hope this helps, and thank you

Dan Wollam

Dan, try the Outlook Express specific newsgroup.
Via newsreader:
Web link:

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional since 2003
Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Desktop Experience & Security
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/

PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup]

1a. Move any messages that you want to keep out of Sent Items and Deleted
Items folders and into other local OE folders you've created for archiving
(saving) such messages.

1b. Move 99% of your messages in your Inbox folder to other local OE
folders, too.

2. Manually compact all OE folders (ALT+F+F+F). Do not TOUCH the machine
until the compacting process has finished!

3. Close OE & reboot twice.

4. If no joy, tell me if MS Office and/or MS Outlook is also installed? If
so, what version (e.g., Outlook 2003 SP3)?


General OE user caveats:

- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.

- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.

- Disable Background Compacting [not available in SP2] and frequently
perform a manual compact of all OE folders while "working offline". More at

- WinXP SP2 only: Do not shut down your machine while Windows is
automatically compacting your message store.

- Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It can cause
corruption (i.e., loss of messages), it provides no additional protection,
and even Symantec says it's not necessary:

Disabling Email Scanning does not leave you unprotected against viruses that
are distributed as email attachments. Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect scans
incoming files as they are saved to your hard drive, including email and
email attachments. Email Scanning is just another layer on top of this. To
make sure that Auto-Protect is providing the maximum protection, keep
Auto-Protect enabled and run LiveUpdate regularly to ensure that you have
the most recent virus definitions.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/


Hi Wollam,

Follow this steps given below :

1.Goto Start>Run> TEMP hit enter>Delete all the files in it
2.Goto Start>Run>PREFETCH> Delete all the files in it
3.Goto Start>All Program>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Clean up>C;\Ok>Check
all the option in the list >Delete or OK
4.Perform an Internet Optimization follow this steps to do it:
A.Start>Run>intetcpl.cpl>ok>delete files,delete cookies,clear histotryand
then go SContent TAB >Clear SSL state>Apply> Ok

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