Gary Brooke
We've used a large number of different compact flash cards for building our
images under XPe, and we've been unable to boot our image using the latest
extreme IV. We have set up the CF card using fdisk and format using the /S
parameter. When this is done, the CF card does indeed successfully boot.
However, after bootprep is complete we only receive the "disk read error"
message. This same method has been used with many other sandisk cards
without any difficulty over the past year. We have used fdisk /mbr on the
target CF card, as well as attempted an NTFS file system using format D:
/FS:NTFS on the target machine.
images under XPe, and we've been unable to boot our image using the latest
extreme IV. We have set up the CF card using fdisk and format using the /S
parameter. When this is done, the CF card does indeed successfully boot.
However, after bootprep is complete we only receive the "disk read error"
message. This same method has been used with many other sandisk cards
without any difficulty over the past year. We have used fdisk /mbr on the
target CF card, as well as attempted an NTFS file system using format D:
/FS:NTFS on the target machine.