Disk Read Error on Boot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lonzo
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I'm having a problem with my hard drive under windows 2000.

When I boot, it goes through system checks, Verifying DMI
Pool Data and then it says 'Disk Read Error' after
attempting to boot from my C hard drive.

I just built a new machine in December so hard drive, MB
et all are new and worked fine. I have not done any major
changes since original install (no new partitions, file
compression not used etc.)

I've tried a few things.
1. I did a full scandisk on the drive and it came up
with no errors or fixes.
2. Tried Emergency Repair with the ER disk and fast
repair process. This said it could not repair the
3. I pulled the hard drive and set it to a secondary
slave drive. I installed a different hard drive that also
has win 2k on it. I booted the machine and it booted
fine. (shouldn't be MB or processor at this point).
I went into windows Explorer to find the original (now
slave drive). The drive with the problems has a primary
NTFS partitian with the 2k OS, and a logical FAT32.
The primary shows up as drive F and logical as drive G.
However, when I clicked on drive F to attempt to move some
important data files over, it said drive F was
For giggles, I tried G and I could read drive G with no
problems. I was able to move some files from drive G over
to the other hard drive (C in this config).

So it appears the drive is not all dead. I can still read
from the FAT32 logical drive but not the primary.

I was thinking the master boot record may be damaged.
Actually I went to the recovery console and ran the FIXMBR
program. It says the MBR appears corrupt, but I was
hesitant to have it fix the MBR becuase I was affraid of
wiping out the drive.

Do you feel I have a MBR problem? What are the odds of
loosing the drive? Any other ways to save the files
before I loose the hole thing?
Hi Lonzo,

This is a BIOS error that is telling you that you have a hardware problem.
I recommend that you backup critical data on this drive ASAP. You may want
to check the BIOS settings for the disk.


Ken Simmons

Microsoft Technical Support for Platforms and Business Applications
Ok, any help backing up data on a drive I can't read?
I'm joking unless there is actually a technique I don't
know about. I switched drives in hope of getting some of
the data.

I had a similar prob with my o/s partion on a drive. Was unable to repair
using any normal method, or view, The remaining partions were ok. The IBM
disk utility gave the hd as damaged (shock) unrepairable. Installed new
disks, was able to format 'damaged' partion and its now fine, though I dont
trust the hd with anything critical.