Ken might answer with more authority, but I think you're fine. I'm
'pretty' sure the restore directory is unnecessary and Windows will
create the swap file.
Forgot to mention that only portions of the _RESTORE folder were
originally getting copied, so I added that /xC switch to prevent
having to see the error messages. In any event, I really like your
"minimal Windows install" suggestion below, which seems to overcome
the _RESTORE folder concern.
I used three partitions, one on another disk for a backup and two on
my main drive to boot from.
With this, I can boot from either partition on the main drive and
format, xxcopy to the other partition on the main drive. The slave
drive holds the clean backup.
Very cool. I had for some reason thought that a format would get rid
of all the partitions on a hard drive. I haven't done enough
formatting of hard drives to remember for sure.
In your case, you might have to pop the top and change jumpers in
the worst case scenario to boot from the backup if you want to format
your present drive before xxcopying back to your regular boot disk.
Or, you can leave them as they are, format the primary, reinstall
Windows minimally and then xxcopy D to C.
I might be able to simply change the BIOS settings. In any event, I
like the latter idea much better. I could even configure XXCopy to
leave the new _RESTORE folder completely alone.
One problem might occur a boot manager is used. I haven't tried it,
but changing disks (master & slave) will probably mess up the boot
manager. This could be a bad problem. I hadn't considered this until
Good point and another reason to go with your latter suggestion.
However, my main use for Ranish will be to make separate partitions on
the main drive for use with a boot manager.
I want to also run a copy of W98 in order to run some DOS games
that ME won't allow (no DOS sound card support in ME.) I'm not that
attached to the games, but it just pisses me off that M$ pulled this
stunt (no DOS sound card support in ME) and I *always* find a solution
to such problems (with the help of others like yourself.)
My thanks for your reply! 80)>