Disk Management



Hi Guys,

Is it possible to create a disk management system
using .NET entirely. What I mean by the above is having
an application possibly a .NET windows service monitoring
the disk, creating and adding users and giving them
access to store a limited amount of data.

The only thing which does this in my knowledge is the
FileSystemWatcher component. But how do I then monitor
who is trying to access the resource and how do I
restrict him if his limit has exceeded.

Are there any classes in the System.Management or WMI to
do this or is there any other free COM component I have
to do a wrapper for in .NET

I would appreciate any links or ideas

Thanks a lot


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


I don't think that you need to write a service to do this. If you are
running Windows 2000 or greater, you can take advantage of the disk quota
system that is already in the OS. Check out the knowledge base article
titled "HOW TO: Manage Disk Capacity and Usage By Using Windows 2000",
located at (watch for line wrap):


If you want to do this programatically, then check out the Disk
Management Interfaces, which have the COM interfaces that the system uses to
change disk quotas.

Hope this helps.

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