disk defragmenter



hi i beleive the problem originally started with spyware which i got rid of
but this may be coincidence. doing a disk clean up the compressed files
started to increase each time i did a clean up. then i did disk defrag it
was a okay but as i progressed to try and get rid of the compressed files on
my disk clean up disk defrag started playing up. disk defrag disappeared
from my comp leaving an empty file i then went to help and support which
allows you to open disk defrag which in turn happened the files are a mess
ive never seen so much red in my life i always maintain my comp cause it
werent cheap!!! so this is in progress but alas it will not activate on my
comp but how comes it did using help and support? now i am left wondering
what the heck is going on waiting to hear from u soon and thanks


You can run disk clean up and/or defrag from help/support...For mntce try
going to run,type:cmd In cmd type:CHKDSK C: /F Agree to restart,type:EXIT
CHKDSK will run at restart,run every so often.

Vincent Xu [MSFT]


Some additional thoughts:

1. You should backup your important data to avoid any loss.
2. If you believe it was caused by a virus or spyware, call 1-866-pcsafety
if you are in USA, it is no charge.

Have a good day.

Best regards,

Vincent Xu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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