"Mike D" said in
New computer. When setting up scheduled tasks, disk defrag is not
offered as as task. What's up with that?
The crippled version of Diskeeper that Microsoft got license for inclusion
in Windows XP will not do scheduling. It's a crippled version. Diskeeper
obviously wants you to buy their full version which does include scheduling.
If you want use the defrag.exe included in Windows XP, create a .bat file
like below and add it as a scheduled event in Task Scheduler. Run "defrag
/?" to see its command-line parameters. I always reassign my CD-type drives
to start at J: and up, emulated drives (like ISO images for CD drives using
Daemon Tools) start at the other end from Z: backward. Network mapped
drives start somewhere after the CD-type drives, like from N:. So, for me,
the hard drives and their partitions will be somewhere from C: to I:.
_____ mydefrag.bat _____
@echo off
REM - Change list according to the range of local hard drives present.
REM - May list non-existent drives. Should not include CD or emulated
set drivelist=C,D,E,F,G,H,I
REM - Defragment the drives that exist in the list specified.
for %%a in (%drivelist%) do (
if exist %%a:\nul (
echo ________________________________________
echo Defragmenting drive %%a:
defrag %%a: /v
echo Defragment completed for %%a:
echo ________________________________________
echo DONE!
set drivelist=