Roof Fiddler said:
In Disk Cleanup, which directories is it looking in for temporary files?
It found 2GB on my machine, yet a search (advanced search, Location
Everywhere, and including non-indexed, hidden, and system files) found
only .5GB in all folders with names beginning with "temp". Why won't Disk
Cleanup at least show me which files it's about to delete?
Look in "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp" and "%SystemRoot%\TEMP"
These are the temp folders Disk Cleanup cleans (the former for the current
user, the latter for the system)
Not all temp files will be named "temp" in any way, in fact, most aren't. A
search for "temp" will show files with "temp" in the name, and the temp
folder(s) but will not show the contents of the temp folders in the total
file size for the search.
For example, I just did a search on my system for "temp" and get a total of
16 megabytes, but Disk Cleanup shows 43 megabytes and if I look in the temp
folders myself it shows 25 megs in my user temp folder and 27 megs in the
system temp folder.
Also remember, disk cleanup will only report how much space you will gain
when you delete the files, not how much space files are taking up in the
temp folder. It won't delete temp files that are in use, or that have been
used recently (I don't know how recently, but it seems a shorter time span
than what was used with XP)
It will also not show the user temp folder totals for other users that are
set up if you choose to clean only your files since it won't touch those
folders in that case.