Disk Clean Up Hangs..No workie



Everytime I try to run disc clean up it stops after 4
process bars at the "compressing old files" and then it
wont do anything else. I've even left it going for days
with no luck. I can still work on my computer while disc
clean up hangs and once I click cancel, my computer runs
very slow. Anybody have the slightest clue of what could
be going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


http://www.jsiinc.com Tip #592

When you run Disk Cleanup (Start / [All] Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Cleanup), you are offered to Compress old files. If you never choose this option, or Disk Cleanup frequently hangs, delete the Compress old files registry sub-key

1. Copy / Paste the following to a DeleteOldFiles.reg file


[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress old files

2. Merge the DeleteOldFiles.reg file with your registry or run regedit /s DeleteOldFiles.reg

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