Disk Cache

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
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I Have a P4 1.7Ghz machine w/512MB RAM running win XP
Home and a 160GB HD. What should I set my virtual memory
for for smooth game play? Seems like it hesitates every
once in a while
Hi Steve,

Allow Windows to control your pagefile at a "system managed size".
Be sure there's enough space for the pagefile size to = 1.5 * your RAM
Here's a tip: Set the pagefile to it's own partition or hard drive if possible.

References: http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpvm.php is a good site about this as is:

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S. http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

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| I Have a P4 1.7Ghz machine w/512MB RAM running win XP
| Home and a 160GB HD. What should I set my virtual memory
| for for smooth game play? Seems like it hesitates every
| once in a while