Disgrace to Scotland


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Although i`m English and proud , What do you scots feel about the loutish and reckless behaviour of Rangers Captain Barry Ferguson and collegue Allan McGregor when drinking into the early hours after last saturdays qualifying defeat in Holland and then with the v-sign when dropped against Iceland mid week .

Pictures mid week here

Totaly and utter disregard to nation ...just above and beyond native lands principles..and they apologise twice...

Banned for life for Scotland selection...good on you , i am liking the Jocks by the minute for their principles :)
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Rush said:
Banned for life for Scotland selection...good on you , i am liking the Jocks by the minute for their principles :)
I saw it on the news this morning whilst at the gym.
Seemed rather child like in it's approach by the players.
Will banning these 2 make a dent in Scotland's team?
You got to see the funny side of this because it is pathetic to be honest.

What were they thinking?
Scotland can do without these two... in my opinion Ferguson was over-rated anyway, the goalkeeper perhap's was led along to follow suit by Ferguson in the first place.

To show utter contempt and no respect for their Country their manager's & fans was dispicable more than likely an attitude held by them both long before the game but when you advertise it on TV this made certain of their downfall and deserved. As for playing for Ranger's again regular i doubt it very much methinks they will be phased out & punted across the border.
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Hello all,

I'm in Malaysia and have been for the last 3 weeks so hence no post on here. I'm a Rangers fan though and i'm kind of mixed in my opinions of this. Barry Ferguson used to be a great player, but he's lost it a bit now. McGregor is a really good and promising goal keeper in my opinion, and I'm a bit gutted that Rangers are going to sell him. They're also going to sell him after all this and when he's not playing, which means we'll get a lower price than we would have if we'd sold him while he was getting us to the UEFA Cup final last season!!

Thought it was pretty funny myself, they have made themselves look like a pair of tools, but everyone makes mistakes.

I don't see the big deal to be honest. If I was 25 and had thousands of pounds I would probably do the same.

Even 15 years ago we had Gazza who was a nutcase and so was Pearce, but they were a damn sight more interesting than the sanitised dullards we have now who couldn't scrape a personality together between them.

Its not the end of the world they went had a had a drink. Too many people have become very self-richeous (sp?) over it IMO.
The spelling is 'righteous' :D

Football sucks.

Footballers are stoopid.

Rangers/Celtic = Historic & stoopid divides.

You have two hours to complete your essay.

Turn your papers over now.
crazylegs said:
Yep but it gives pleasure to many millions so don't knock it..:nod:

Fair nuff.

Oi, you've quoted me out of context.

Eegadz :eek:

Hey, Charlton, sixties, Bovril, I've been there.

Never really cared for it though and I've never seen a centre forward on Mastermind.

Which may or may not be a good thing.

Sorry :o
I have been thinking about this.

Basically, I'm bang out of order.

Just because I don't care for football I should not ignore the great pleasure a great deal of the UK population get from football.

I think my prejudice, in some part, goes back to my 'hippy days' where some so-called football fans beat the crap out of me for no other reason than having long hair or wearing the wrong (team) colour clothes.

I also recall the back streets of Swindon '77 where I was walking back to our car after the match with Spurs fans and they spotted a guy fixing his car wearing red overalls. Red was the Swindon colour. So they kicked him til he was bloody. I looked on, allied as I was with the Spurs fans, I felt sick.

So, apart from finding the sport boring unless I'm watching a real match, that's probably why I come across as anti-football.

Anyone watched Cass, the film? A Good movie and more fuel to my fire, lol

Anyhows, I do sincerely apologise, I was wrong.

Enjoy your football folks :)
As a small nation of say 5.6 Million? Scotland cannot produce homegrown footballer's of the calibre of say the Dutch another small nation, but never mind we were well compensated and more with a vast contribution by the Scot's that made the modern world the way it is today and that is no disgrace. That is Fact.

Steady.... the Black Watch.
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