D Douglas J. Steele Aug 17, 2009 #2 All the time, and it ain't happened yet! <g> If it's going to happen, it ain't going to be in Office 2010, since the Access team is busy building a new version for that release. You can check the Access Team blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/access/
All the time, and it ain't happened yet! <g> If it's going to happen, it ain't going to be in Office 2010, since the Access team is busy building a new version for that release. You can check the Access Team blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/access/
J John W. Vinson Aug 18, 2009 #3 Anyone heard about MS discontinuing Access?? Click to expand... Yes, every year since 1994 when I started working with the program. It wasn't true then and it's not true now; Microsoft has a large, enthusiastic and active team working on the next version.
Anyone heard about MS discontinuing Access?? Click to expand... Yes, every year since 1994 when I started working with the program. It wasn't true then and it's not true now; Microsoft has a large, enthusiastic and active team working on the next version.
D David W. Fenton Aug 19, 2009 #4 Anyone heard about MS discontinuing Access?? Click to expand... Are you hearing this in any online forums? If so, where? I'd like to go there and set the record straight. If you're hearing it from some IT moron, well, enough said, eh?
Anyone heard about MS discontinuing Access?? Click to expand... Are you hearing this in any online forums? If so, where? I'd like to go there and set the record straight. If you're hearing it from some IT moron, well, enough said, eh?