Edward Diener
Why bother having Stan Lippman and Herb Sutter created a C++/CLI
language for .Net development when Microsoft, and the VC++ development
team, are so clearly intent on limiting .Net development with C++/CLI to
the smallest subset of .Net development technologies in Visual Studio,
while all of the new technologies are given to C# instead ? The bubble
has burst with VS 2008 and we are instead finally told quite frankly, by
a lead VC++ team developer, that VC++ is not going to be a first-class
..Net development language. In that case why bother with C++/CLI, since
it serves little to no purpose for C++ programmers anymore. Here is the
1) ASP .NET, not for C++
2) Web services in .Net, not for C++ and even web services client
development is removed in VS 2008.
3) WPF, not for C++ and even creating controls for WPF is absent for
4) WCF, not for C++.
5) WWF, not for C++
6) LINQ, not for C++.
Finally all advanced web application development is remove from C++ with
the abandonment of the ATL Server.
VS 2008 is an abortion for C++ .Net developers in every way. The message
is now clear from Microsoft and the pretense is finally dropped "If you
want to do .Net development in C++, just forget about it and start
programming in C#". It should have been clear from the beginning, with
the miraculously appearing loader lock bug, but now is transparent.
Instead the big news in VC++ for VS 2008 is Vista updates for MFC of all
technologies. Gee, I am sure glad I learned a RAD technology like .Net
so I could go back to doing MFC development.
C++/CLI is such a good language, with so much careful and intelligent
decisions made so that it is superior to C# in almost every way, that it
is sad to finally realize that Microsoft never had any plans for C++
developers to effectively compete with C# developers in the .Net world.
It was just a sop so that they could attract C++ developers and turn
them toward C#.
Stan Lippman, Herb Sutter, Brandon Bray, and others, you should all be
ashamed of yourselves in leading VC++ straight to a dead end of
programming for .Net.
language for .Net development when Microsoft, and the VC++ development
team, are so clearly intent on limiting .Net development with C++/CLI to
the smallest subset of .Net development technologies in Visual Studio,
while all of the new technologies are given to C# instead ? The bubble
has burst with VS 2008 and we are instead finally told quite frankly, by
a lead VC++ team developer, that VC++ is not going to be a first-class
..Net development language. In that case why bother with C++/CLI, since
it serves little to no purpose for C++ programmers anymore. Here is the
1) ASP .NET, not for C++
2) Web services in .Net, not for C++ and even web services client
development is removed in VS 2008.
3) WPF, not for C++ and even creating controls for WPF is absent for
4) WCF, not for C++.
5) WWF, not for C++
6) LINQ, not for C++.
Finally all advanced web application development is remove from C++ with
the abandonment of the ATL Server.
VS 2008 is an abortion for C++ .Net developers in every way. The message
is now clear from Microsoft and the pretense is finally dropped "If you
want to do .Net development in C++, just forget about it and start
programming in C#". It should have been clear from the beginning, with
the miraculously appearing loader lock bug, but now is transparent.
Instead the big news in VC++ for VS 2008 is Vista updates for MFC of all
technologies. Gee, I am sure glad I learned a RAD technology like .Net
so I could go back to doing MFC development.
C++/CLI is such a good language, with so much careful and intelligent
decisions made so that it is superior to C# in almost every way, that it
is sad to finally realize that Microsoft never had any plans for C++
developers to effectively compete with C# developers in the .Net world.
It was just a sop so that they could attract C++ developers and turn
them toward C#.
Stan Lippman, Herb Sutter, Brandon Bray, and others, you should all be
ashamed of yourselves in leading VC++ straight to a dead end of
programming for .Net.