Disappearing ready boost cache space.

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I'd a problem like Cris Rowland's below, (and that of another post I can't
find). My 2-Gig. PNY is ready boost rated, and it provided 1847M when I got
it, but since then I look at the slide control window under "properties" when
I right-click the drive in the computer window, and the slide maxes out at
360 M, less than 1/4 of what ought to be available. I'd removed the entry in
the resource monitor window, as administrator, and rebooted, and the system
tray reported the re-installation of the driver, but the results are the
same. The "properties" window also shows in the pie graph that 1.51 G are
used space, and only 365 M available, but the drive posts no files, not even
the cache. Is there a remedy?
1.51 reserved for ready boost plus 365 available adds up to 1.875
You can not open or see the contents of ReadyBoost files.
Doe your drive properties ready boost tab still show that ReadyBoost is