disappearing files

  • Thread starter Thread starter tbell
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I had a client call me yesterday with news that a folder
and many sub-folders got deleted. He found them in the
recycle bin. He says that NO body deleted the files. It
happened on its own. No interaction by human hands. 120
gig hard drive with NTFS format.
Windows 2000 w/SP3.

Any ideas??

I had a client call me yesterday with news that a folder
and many sub-folders got deleted. He found them in the
recycle bin. He says that NO body deleted the files. It
happened on its own. No interaction by human hands. 120
gig hard drive with NTFS format.
Windows 2000 w/SP3.

Any ideas??


Your client is either an idiot or a liar.
My goo'ness Michael, not every one is as technically superior as we are. :)

One possible scenario for this happening is hiccupping while dragging and
dropping, or being on a laptop with a very sensitive touchpad. In the first
case, I on many occasion have accidentally grabbed folders and dropped them
"I know not where", to then have to desperately go searching for those
valuable little morsels of wisdom. Dare I say most of us have done that?

In the second case, if you let your finger hover to long over a sensitive
mouse pad, the logic in the touch pad hardware and/or driver will decide you
have done something and it then will do something, which could very easily
be a drag and drop or just a drop into the trash bin.

Solutions? Ban touch pads from all human input devices, and genetically
select more tactilely proficient ten toed bipeds.
I guess some of us don't have the brains God give a piss
ant. Remember it takes one to know one - Michael!!!!
Thank you for your deep insight, I'll pass on the info to
my client.


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