Disappearing External Hard Drive

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marshall_D
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,
I'm just about at wits end here. I've got an external HDD (Cavalry 2 X 500
GB = 1TB) that I usually plug in via e-SATA. It is currently setup in a
SAFE33 configuration. It was working great on my old XP machine, and when I
changed that machine to Vista Business (same everything, just plugged in a
different boot disk and unplugged the old one) it continued to work great.

Then I did the following two things:
1) Tinkered with some permissions to allow only administrators access to
some backups on the eHDD.
2) Went back to my old boot disk and tried to find the drive in XP.

When I did this the drive was not visible at all in XP. Now it is not
visible in Vista either (not under Computer, Disk Management, or even BIOS).
It is also not visible on my laptop (it had been previously). I have tried
both e-SATA and USB connectors in multiple ports.

When I turn the drive on while either OS is running the machine freezes
about 1 out of 5 times. Other times the eHDD turns on and I hear the disks
spin up to speed, but the drive access LEDs never come on.

Don't know if this is related or not but I am also unable to load XP now, it
stops on a driver called SPTD.sys.

Please tell me there's a possible solution other than the drive being cooked.

Correction: XP will boot with the eHDD off. Neither OS will boot if the eHDD
is on.
Have u not been reading the previous posts and how no one is resolving a
disapearing sata drive. Where have u been??????????????????????

You clueless twit! The post you replied to was from LAST MARCH and
those of us that are not using that pitiful web interfaced bulletin
board that you are using don't see what you are replying to when it's
that old.

You can work this one out on your own after that smart-assed and
brainless reply.
Another of your wonderful replies SAVED!

Keep saving them old bean... you'll never match the selection I picked
up from your drunken outbursts the past month or so.
There are NO previous posts showing here.

daredvl_edm said:
Have u not been reading the previous posts and how no one is resolving a
disapearing sata drive. Where have u been?????????????????????? I have
Vista ultimate and removed the service pack from the eqauation and my
disapearing Sata HD has reappeared. I have no issues with it anymore.
I am posting my findings as others seem to have the problem, and no one
seems to be finding out a fix for this issue at all.
Hi, Colin.

That's because daredvl_edm is not really the OP. He is just tagging onto a
thread that he found in some "forum" on the Internet, and that forum relayed
his post - but not the prior posts in the thread - to Microsoft Communities.

As with so many of these cases, we get into the middle of the conversation
with NO context. :>( As usual, the faint, easily-overlooked clue is in the
poster's address and in the headers of his post, in this case:
X-Newsreader: vBulletin USENET gateway

Perhaps you already know that YOUR posts - and MINE - are also shown in
whatever forum "daredvl" happens to be using, just as though we had posted
there. Even if we never heard of that forum. The managers of that forum
MIGHT credit Microsoft public newsgroups, but often they do not.

It's good that our advice gets distributed widely, but it is not good that
the conversations are chopped up, with missing or delayed or out-of-context
posts. And it is deplorable that such messages simply show up here, as
though originally posted here, with no warning of what is happening.

Sorry for the rant. Sorry that it is even called for. :>(

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64 SP1)
The problem of course is that the OP starts calling folks bad things as a