Can you provide answers to the other questions I asked?
1.) Are you receiving any error messages, or do you see any status bar
messages in the lower left corner of your screen when you attempt to add data
and then navigate to a new record?
2.) If the subform is based on a query, is the query updateable and can you
add a new record using the query?
I have also read your reply to John Vinson, where you indicated that this
problem just started up, after having had no such issue in the past. That
kind of sounds like it might be corruption of some kind, perhaps form (or
control) corruption, or corruption of an index in the underlying table. I
would be interested in seeing a sample of this database, if you can send me a
compacted and zipped copy that has any sensitive data removed. If this sounds
do-able, you can find an e-mail address for me at the bottom of this page
(scroll down past the two pictures):
Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
charlesandmarcie said:
Thanks Tom for the feedback. It is just happening in one field of the
subform, the text box is bound to a control source. We have been using this
form for sometime and all of a sudden it will blank out whatever data you
input...and there is also a default value that would populate with each new
record, that is also disappearing.