disallowing SHIFT Bypass

  • Thread starter Thread starter arista
  • Start date Start date



after a long time playing with disallowing SHIFT Bypass I decided to ask you
for help.
I did following:
1) paste function ChangePropertyDdl into separate module called Security
(function from recommended web site

Public Function ChangePropertyDdl(stPropName As String, _
PropType As DAO.DataTypeEnum, vPropVal As Variant) _
As Boolean
' Uses the DDL argument to create a property
' that only Admins can change.
' Current CreateProperty listing in Access help
' is flawed in that anyone who can open the db
' can reset properties, such as AllowBypassKey
On Error GoTo ChangePropertyDdl_Err

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim prp As DAO.Property

Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270

Set db = CurrentDb
' Assuming the current property was created without
' using the DDL argument. Delete it so we can
' recreate it properly
db.Properties.Delete stPropName
Set prp = db.CreateProperty(stPropName, _
PropType, vPropVal, True)
db.Properties.Append prp

' If we made it this far, it worked!
ChangePropertyDdl = True

Set prp = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

If Err.Number = conPropNotFoundError Then
' We can ignore when the prop does not exist
Resume Next
End If
Resume ChangePropertyDdl_Exit
End Function

2) I added DAO 3.6 into references
3) in mdb file I run the function from the immediate window
-> then the file mdb does not allow shift bypass only for the first open; on
second open it is again possible to use shift bypass

4) I made mde file (I export this file to my clients)
5) in mde file I run the function from the button event
-> then the file mde does not allow shift bypass only for the first open; on
second open it is again possible to use shift bypass

I tried several combinations with same result.
Can anybody help please ?
Given your description, it sounds like the function is being called
somewhere in your code.

In all your testing, did you perhaps try to call it in the opening of some
form (and forget to remove it from there)?

How are you running the function?
I need to make SHIFT bypass disabled in mde file. So I run the function every
time on the open event of the initial form.
I realize later that SHIFT bypass is disabled on the first and also the third,
fifth opening but allowed on the second, fourth, sixth, etc. opening.
Any idea why ?
Probably in the way you are calling it. The function is
ChangePropertyDdl(stPropName As String, _
PropType As DAO.DataTypeEnum, vPropVal As Variant) _
As Boolean

How are you calling it?

You only need to run it once, just before your deploy.

Since it only takes effect the next time you open the database, there's no
need to run it every time.
I call it every time on the first form like this:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim xxx5 As Boolean
xxx5 = ChangePropertyDdl("AllowBypassKey", DB_BOOLEAN, False)
End Sub

I stepped into it in mdb file and it goes through. But unfortunately it works
excatly as I described before - only the first, third, fifth, etc. time only.
As I said, you don't need to call it every time your mdb opens. Run it once
from the immediate window, and then ship the mde.
As I said, it runs only for the first time and then it does not work.

Joan said:
As I said, you don't need to call it every time your mdb opens. Run it once
from the immediate window, and then ship the mde.
I call it every time on the first form like this:
[quoted text clipped - 7 lines]
excatly as I described before - only the first, third, fifth, etc. time
arista via AccessMonster.com said:
As I said, it runs only for the first time and then it does not work.

I'm sorry if this sounds rude but are you deliberately not listening? You
DON'T need to call the function at all at run-time. Period. The function
DOES NOT need to be part of your application. Once you've used it to create
and set the property you can delete it. You can manipulate the property
using Albert Kallal's utility:

