it's two characters longer than microsoft office 97
My serious point is that disadvantages depend on context, and you didn't
give us any. Why don't you explain your situation. For example, "I am
currently using <insert name of program or version of Office>, and I am
thinking about switching to Office 2003." Or, "I was asked to write X
sentences about the pros and cons of Office for a homework assignment." Or,
"I am a philosopher and pondering how Office 2003 relates to the meaning of
life." Or, "I am a <insert type> activist and concerned about supporting
Microsoft in there bid for global domination." Or, "I am looking to
decorate my house by hanging boxes of software products on the wall, and I
want to know if the Office 2003 box goes with my color scheme." Or, "I
create a lot of presentations and have to use other people's computers to
present them, and I want something that is most likely to be compatible
with whatever someone else has."
Notice how each of these questions has very different answers even though
they could all fall under the larger question of "what are the disadvantage
of microsoft office 2003."