Jay Ayliff
I've tried everything I can think of to disable wordwrap. Here's the code
that sets up my RichTextbox rtfSQL:
With rtfSQL
.AcceptsTab = True ' Tab is a valid character, not a command to go to
next control
.RightMargin = .MaxLength ' Stop wordwrap
.WordWrap = False ' Stop wordwrap
.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both
.Multiline = True
End With
..but it still wordwraps! I want there to be horizontal and vertifal
scrollbars and no wordwrap. I could have sworn it worked yesterday. This is
so annoying! What am I doing wrong?
Jay Ayliff
Stalis Ltd
that sets up my RichTextbox rtfSQL:
With rtfSQL
.AcceptsTab = True ' Tab is a valid character, not a command to go to
next control
.RightMargin = .MaxLength ' Stop wordwrap
.WordWrap = False ' Stop wordwrap
.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both
.Multiline = True
End With
..but it still wordwraps! I want there to be horizontal and vertifal
scrollbars and no wordwrap. I could have sworn it worked yesterday. This is
so annoying! What am I doing wrong?
Jay Ayliff
Stalis Ltd