Hi David,
Would what you suggest prevent the user resizing the Excel application
(I am now using Workbook_WindowResize with Wn.WindowState = xlMaximized
to trap and reverse an attempt to resize the workbook window.)
I am developing my appication with Excel 2002 and also preparing a
version for Excel 97.
In my opinion, you shouldn't attempt to control your users like this.
Instead, your application should respond appropriately to their choice of
window size and whether they want to close the application. Your users,
for example, may have vision impairments and need a large window and
large fonts to see what they're doing. Conversely, I may have a very
high-resolution monitor, and the last thing I want is for you to force
your application to take over the entire display. I may also want to go
and work on something else for a while, minimising your application to
the task bar while I'm doing that.
Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel