Currently we have the Junk Email options disabled via Group Policy t
prevent emails from being redirected to the junk email box.
I am trying to convince the powers that be that this is a bad idea a
you can not create safe lists to allow trusted emails to auto downloa
I have managed to convince them that they can turn it on and set it t
No Automatic Filtering allowing all emails to go directly to the inbo
but they are still worried about the new features of office 200
creating false positives as detailed here: (http://tinyurl.com/2zmk9j)
Again this wouldn't be a problem if i can find the registry key tha
removes the tick from "Disable links and other functionality i
phishing messages."
Any ideas on either turning it off or disabling it?
Currently we have the Junk Email options disabled via Group Policy t
prevent emails from being redirected to the junk email box.
I am trying to convince the powers that be that this is a bad idea a
you can not create safe lists to allow trusted emails to auto downloa
I have managed to convince them that they can turn it on and set it t
No Automatic Filtering allowing all emails to go directly to the inbo
but they are still worried about the new features of office 200
creating false positives as detailed here: (http://tinyurl.com/2zmk9j)
Again this wouldn't be a problem if i can find the registry key tha
removes the tick from "Disable links and other functionality i
phishing messages."
Any ideas on either turning it off or disabling it?