Disabling messages from Project

  • Thread starter Thread starter Taras
  • Start date Start date


I run a macro from Excel to extract information from MS
Project files and write to a Word document. The MS
Project files contain macros and a reference to a common
MS Project Resource sheet.

How do I disable the Macro and Open Resource Pool dialog
boxes from appearing for each MS Project file that I open?

I have:
1) Application.ScreenUpdating = False at the start of the
macro which disables the screen updates in Excel
2) wdAPP.Visible = False after I start Word to disable
screen updates there
3) prAPP.Visible = False & prAPP.DisplayAlerts = False
when I start MS Project

I still get 2 prompts for each MS Project file I open.
Am I missing something?

Try this;
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set it back to "True" once your routine is finished.
I already had the following code in place
Set prAPP = New MSProject.Application
prAPP.Visible = False
prAPP.DisplayAlerts = False
sMPP = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(nPRow, 12) & ".MPP"
sPNM = sPath & sMPP
prAPP.FileOpen sPNM, ReadOnly

Adding another Application.DisplayAlerts = False prior to
the open did not help.

Any other suggestions?