I'm developing a software where I want to create an AllDayEvent. I want to disable the DayLight Saving adjustment programaticaly, because, all my appointments are getting created with 11 pm to 11 pm.
Kindly advice on how to proceed with this, using Redemption.
My code is:
Call MapiLogon(txtServer.Text, txtUser.Text)
Set oCalendar = oRDOSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
vDuedate = Date + 10
Set oAppt = oCalendar.Items.Add
With oAppt
.Subject = "Test - " '& oRDOTgtZone.Name
.Location = "Loc2" & Date$ & Time$
.Start = vDuedate
.AllDayEvent = True ' do this after setting date/time!!!
.BusyStatus = olFree
End With
Please help me, since I'm stuck up with this.
Kindly advice on how to proceed with this, using Redemption.
My code is:
Call MapiLogon(txtServer.Text, txtUser.Text)
Set oCalendar = oRDOSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
vDuedate = Date + 10
Set oAppt = oCalendar.Items.Add
With oAppt
.Subject = "Test - " '& oRDOTgtZone.Name
.Location = "Loc2" & Date$ & Time$
.Start = vDuedate
.AllDayEvent = True ' do this after setting date/time!!!
.BusyStatus = olFree
End With
Please help me, since I'm stuck up with this.