Disabling animations in Internet Explorer 6.0



Is there a way of disabling the "play animations in web pages" option in IE6 apart from going to Internet Options>Advanced>Multimedia. We need to apply this accross the network and as of now, haven't managed to find a registry change or GPO that will do the trick. Any help on this would be much appreciated.


Ronnie Vernon MVP

Paul_H said:
Is there a way of disabling the "play animations in web pages" option
in IE6 apart from going to Internet Options>Advanced>Multimedia. We
need to apply this accross the network and as of now, haven't managed
to find a registry change or GPO that will do the trick. Any help on
this would be much appreciated.



The registry location is:


In this key there are 2 values (Checked Value and Default Value) that
control this option. Set both values to "no".

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Paul,

That works fine for me. Meanwhile, try the another option:

Undo the earlier procedure and try this:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Set "Play_Animations" to "No"

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

AumHa VSOP: http://www.aumha.org

Thanks Ronnie,

I've just tried that one and it doesn't seem to work. The end goal is to apply this to a farm of Citrix servers (running 2003 Server) but I'm aiming to get this applied to XP Pro first. I've tried the reg change on both server and XP Pro OS's (with reboots) and no luck. Any ideas?



Ronnie Vernon MVP

Paul_H said:
Thanks Ronnie,

I've just tried that one and it doesn't seem to work. The end goal is
to apply this to a farm of Citrix servers (running 2003 Server) but
I'm aiming to get this applied to XP Pro first. I've tried the reg
change on both server and XP Pro OS's (with reboots) and no luck. Any


Works OK here? Once you do change this setting, you can prevent tampering
with the Group Policy Editor.

"Disable the Advanced page" policy (located in \User
Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet
Explorer\Internet Control Panel) removes the Advanced tab from the

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