disabling a command button

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul James
  • Start date Start date

Paul James

Is there any way to use VBA to disable or "gray-out" a command button in a
worksheet that was created from the Forms toolbar?

I tried using

worksheets("sheetName").shapes("cmdName").enabled = false

but I get an "object doesn't support this property or method" example.

I know I can turn the visible property on and off, but I'd rather have it
grayed out when it's not available so it's presence is still displayed.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,

You create buttons from the forms toolbar

worksheets("sheetName").Buttons("cmdName").enabled = false

you create commandbuttons from the Control toolbox toolbar

worksheets("sheetName").OleObjects("cmdName").enabled = false

Use this




Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Thanks for the reply, Bob.

The button I'm working with was created from the Forms toolbar, so I would
need to use the Button object.

I'm still looking for a way to "gray-out" the button, or provide some other
visual cue when it's disabled. Any idea how to accomplish this?
Thanks, Tom.

worksheets("sheetName").Buttons("cmdName").enabled = false

works fine, because this button was created from the Forms toolbar.
However, I'm still looking for a way to "gray-out" the button, or provide
some other visual cue when it's disabled. When I only set the enable
property to false, the button's appearance doesn't change in any way, and
the cursor still changes to the white hand when it's placed over the button,
implying that it's active, even though it isn't.

Do you know of a way to provide a visual cue that the button is disabled
without making it invisible?
I'm sorry, Tom, I didn't mean to cause you to have to resend your solution.
I had written a reply to your first message saying that your solution worked
fine, but for some reason that message hasn't shown up on the newsgroup.

I have experimented with the code you sent me:
worksheets("sheetName").Buttons("cmdName").enabled = false

and it does indeed disable the command button. However, it doesn't gray out
the button, or provide any other visual cue that the button is not active.
Moreover, the cursor still changes to the white hand when it moves over the
button, implying that the button is active, even though it isn't.

I'd prefer not to set the visible property to false so you can't see it, and
the ideal would be to have a command that will gray out the text on the
button when it's disabled. Do you know of any way to do this?
Forms toolbar controls have very little flexibility. I don't believe what
you want can be done. You can programmatically change the font color to
gray, but I think you're out of luck with the hand-shaped cursor.
I can't do anything about the hand, but you can manage the caption yourself:

Sub DisAbleButton()
Dim shpbtn As Shape
Dim bnt As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2")
Set shpbtn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2")
With shpbtn
.ControlFormat.Enabled = False
.TextFrame.Characters( _
Start:=1, Length:=Len(btn.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = 16
End With
End Sub

Sub EnableButton()
Dim shpbtn As Shape
Dim bnt As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2")
Set shpbtn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2")
With shpbtn
.ControlFormat.Enabled = True
.TextFrame.Characters( _
Start:=1, Length:=Len(btn.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Manage the caption color yourself.

Sub DisAbleButton()
Dim shpbtn As Shape
Dim bnt As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2")
Set shpbtn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2")
With shpbtn
.ControlFormat.Enabled = False
.TextFrame.Characters( _
Start:=1, Length:=Len(btn.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = 16
End With
End Sub

Sub EnableButton()
Dim shpbtn As Shape
Dim bnt As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2")
Set shpbtn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2")
With shpbtn
.ControlFormat.Enabled = True
.TextFrame.Characters( _
Start:=1, Length:=Len(btn.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Ok, here's my answer. This code is for a command button created on a
worksheet to display a userform. When the Userform is displayed the
command button associated with the userform is Greyed out.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Client
CommandButton1.Enabled = False
End With
End Sub


Tom - the lines that set the Enabled and ColorIndex properties by themselves
give me just about everything I need (except for the white hand on the
cursor, which appears to be uncontrollable). What does the
TextFrame.Characters method or property do?
I have a question, as well. I see that Tom is having to refer to the same
button in two ways - as a shape and as a button - in order to get at
different properties. Is there some bigger context/explanation that could
help one remember the distinction, i.e., what are the properties of a
shapes(button) versus those of a button?


Well, you don't have to go with both objects. This works as well:

Sub EnableButton(btn As Button)
With btn
.Enabled = True
.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=Len(.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub

Sub DisableButton(btn As Button)
With btn
.Enabled = False
.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=Len(.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = 16
End With
End Sub

Sub BtnToggle()
Dim btn As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2")
If btn.Enabled Then
DisableButton btn
EnableButton btn
End If
End Sub

Sub btnMsg()
Dim btn As Button
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Buttons( _
MsgBox btn.Name & " has a caption of " & _
End Sub

Sub SetOnAction()
ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 3") _
.OnAction = "btnToggle"
ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 2") _
.OnAction = "btnMsg"
End Sub
this is all one line:

.TextFrame.Characters( _
Start:=1, Length:=Len(btn.Caption)) _
.Font.ColorIndex = 16

But for a simpler implementation, see my answer to Doug in this thread.
Tom - thanks so much for providing a way to control the button's Enabled
property and font color so thoroughly.

Thanks also the all the other contributors to this subject: Bob, Doug,
Charles and Vasant.
