disabled web controls -- I can barely see them



This is one of those petpeevs that have been bottled up inside.

Disabled web controls are so lightgrey, the user can barely see them. I
understand with textboxes, I can set the ReadOnly property to false, and
prevent the user from editing it, but what do you do with check boxes if you
don't want it editable. It is so lightgrey that I have to look real

Any workarounds?


I had a similar case with a check box in a grid. So when I am in read mode,
instead of making it disabled, I rather show a check mark image if it is
checked and nothing if it is not checked. You can also change the background
color of the textbox to grey (or any color) to make it look like a disabled
texbox, after you make it read only. If you do nothave a check mark image I
can send it to you or you can take one from the web.

Natty Gur

Not really workaround but another approach to the problem. One of my
clients hire UI specialist that build css file for all the controls so
they will be "friendly" to users, even color blinds ones.
Since I'm using Developersdex to participate in the news group I cant
attach files. If you want the css file e-mail me directly.

Natty Gur, CTO
Dao2Com Ltd.
28th Baruch Hirsch st. Bnei-Brak
Israel , 51114

Phone Numbers:
Office: +972-(0)3-5786668
Fax: +972-(0)3-5703475
Mobile: +972-(0)58-888377

Know the overall picture

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