disable "windows" keys?


Alex Johnson

Key's another quick question. I hate the windows keys. I've never used
them. At first they got in the way of my typing but after a few months
I adapted. Now they are getting in the way of my game play. I have a
game that uses left CTRL, SHFT, and Z keys. Every time I play I hit
that stupid "start menu" key. This has the effect of popping me out to
the windows desktop and opening the start menu. I'm now hosed since I
cannot get back into the game. It is a directx game that once you
change video modes totally hoses XP if you switch focus back, and must
be killed from the task manager.

Is there ANY way I can totally remove functionality of the "start" keys
and "properties" key? I want them to have absolutely ZERO effect if I
press them under any circumstances (and cutting the traces to those keys
is not an option...yet).




Here is how to disable WinKey:

(e-mail address removed)

Key's another quick question. I hate the windows keys. I've never used
them. At first they got in the way of my typing but after a few months
I adapted. Now they are getting in the way of my game play. I have a
game that uses left CTRL, SHFT, and Z keys. Every time I play I hit
that stupid "start menu" key. This has the effect of popping me out to
the windows desktop and opening the start menu. I'm now hosed since I
cannot get back into the game. It is a directx game that once you
change video modes totally hoses XP if you switch focus back, and must
be killed from the task manager.

Is there ANY way I can totally remove functionality of the "start" keys
and "properties" key? I want them to have absolutely ZERO effect if I
press them under any circumstances (and cutting the traces to those keys
is not an option...yet).


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