Disable Terminal Service?



Hi All,

Is that possible to disable Terminal Service for all the user execpt the
Administrator account? It is because i would like to do some maintenance on
the server and block all the users from accessing the server. However, I
work remotely, the only way i can do the maintenance is through Terminal



Try this http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;250776&sd=tech

Or you can remove user permissions to Terminal Server. If you go to Terminal
Server Configuration in Control Panel-Admin Tools, click on the connections
folder on the left pane. On the right pane should be what types of
connections you have set up (like rdp-tcp). Right click on the connection and
choose properties. Under the permissions tab, remove the users or groups you
don't want to have access. Then add them back after you are finished.

Jeff S
(e-mail address removed)

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