Disable Start Menu context menu?



Here's the situation. I have a windows 2000 pro desktop and I have disabled
all of the context menu's that I have been able to find using GPO. However,
when I click on start and right click on programs I have the option of being
able to open or explore. I want to be able to hide that. Anyone have any
thoughts on how I can do this? Thank you!


moindycubs said:
Here's the situation. I have a windows 2000 pro desktop and I
have disabled
all of the context menu's that I have been able to find using
GPO. However,
when I click on start and right click on programs I have the
option of being
able to open or explore. I want to be able to hide that.
Anyone have any
thoughts on how I can do this? Thank you!


Well what do you know. I guess that is one that MS missed. I have
disabled the context menus for the desktop, the start menu and the
task bar but it doesn’t disable the "my programs" right click. Maybe
in the next version of the ADM’s.

I have been trying in vain to find one to remove the "tabs" from the
context menus. I can "add" tabs but can’t remove any except for the
security tab.




Well I'm glad I'm not the only one stumped. The third site in Austin's reply
has been the best solution so far. Thanks


moindycubs said:
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one stumped. The third site in
Austin's reply
has been the best solution so far. Thanks

 > > Here's the situation. I have a windows 2000 pro
desktop and I
 > > have disabled
 > > all of the context menu's that I have been able to
find using
 > > GPO. However,
 > > when I click on start and right click on programs I
have the
 > > option of being
 > > able to open or explore. I want to be able to hide
 > > Anyone have any
 > > thoughts on how I can do this? Thank you!


Before you go deleting registry keys remember that these are in the
HKClasses Root and Apply to ALL USERS including Admins. It says that
if you remove "open" you cannot "Open" any folders which would
make Windows pretty useless

IF you want to do if for a group of users the best idea is to deny
access to the Key in the Permissions. This can be done in group
policy. Below is a MS site on how to deny access to the "security"
tab in the context menu.

Remember the change is permanent and has to be "undone’ to

Just use it to deny access to another key instead. Also, make sure it
is not the default Users group but one you made.



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