Disable selection of ComboBox text

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way to set the text box portion of a ComboBox to read only? I do
not want the user to select or delete the text in the combo box. I also
don't want to disable the combobox because I still want to use it and I
don't want the text color to change. Thanks!
It should not be too hard to implement something like that. Capture the
Key* events and do nothing with them. Same with the Click event. No you
have a control that looks like a combobox but does not allow changes.


Hello Bob,

Thanks for your post. As I understand, you want to prevent a user from
directly editing the text portion of ComboBox.

If so, please set the DropDownStyle of the ComboBox to DropDownList.

Please let me know if this helps.


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